HealthTech Investor Summit - Bruges

Pre-seed session
4 December

This dedicated pitching session will bring together 20 regional start-ups companies that are looking for a first investment ticket (pre-seed stage) compared to the sessions scheduled on December 5 and 6 that are focused on more mature companies looking for follow-up funding.

Start-ups will be hand-picked by the organizers (hence no personal application is needed). Companies need to be in the pre-seed stage of their establishment (first capital round) yet need to be at least at the pilot or MVP-stage. During the event, start-ups are required to display and showcase their solution to the public during the coffee breaks, lunch break and networking event.

The aim of the session is to be as much a learning journey as a first contact with investors and the general public to showcase innovations. Participation therefor also includes support and training on how to pitch and what to expect when talking to investors.


9:30 – 10:00 – Registration and demo space visit

10:00 – 10:15 – Introduction event – What to expect (MEDVIA)
10:15 – 11:00 – Keynote 8 Caring Technology Principles
11:00 – 12:30 – First pitching group 
12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch break and demo space visit
13:30 – 15:30 – Second pitching group
15:30 – 16:00 – Coffee break and demo space visit
16:00 – 17:30 – Third pitching group
17:30 – 17:45 – Closing and networking reception

Who can attend?

  • Investors, entrepreneurs, industry, government: The pre-seed program is included in the HealthTech Investor Summit Ticket. If you are not attending on December 5-6, it is possible to only register to the pre-seed program on December 4. Please select the December 4 ONLY ticket on our webshop.
  • Pre-seed entrepreneurs: The HealthTech Investor Summit Organizing partners are nominating pre-seed startups to participate to the event. If you think your start-up fits with the program, feel free to contact us.


Preparatory events

To prepare the pitching pre-seed start-ups as much as possible, two events will be organized prior to the start of the Pre-Seed Session:

  • November 16, 2023: How to talk to an investor.

In this afternoon workshop (12h30-18h00 at Health House, Leuven), five investors with different profiles will explain what they are specifically looking for when they sit down with start-ups. To conclude the first part of the workshop, Crowell will provide insight into “How to raise venture capital in the US market – pitfalls and best practices”. After a short coffee break, a Q&A-sessions is organized in a speed-dating format, allowing each start-up to talk to different investors for more in-depth feedback and insights.

Register here.

  • November 22, 2023: How to pitch like a pro (before investors)

In this second workshop (12h30-18h00 at Health House, Leuven), participants will receive hands-on training from pitching experts in how to construct a professional pitch, how to adapt it to the needs and expectations of the investors and will be given the opportunity to practise and refine their pitch skills before an audience of peers.

Register here.

Registration costs

  • Pre-seed start-ups that are selected/nominated to pitch on December 4 can pitch for free. They still need to register with a Start-up ticket if they want to attend 5&6th. Additionally, registration for both preparatory events on November 16 and 22 are free.
  • Start-up companies that are not selected for the pre-seed pitching session on December 4  but do want to participate in the preparatory workshops, can do so at 50€/workshop.
  • Investors and other stakeholders that want to participate in the pre-seed pitching sessions have two options:
    • Participation is free if they register for the main event on December 5 and 6.
    • They pay 150€ if not registered for HIS, please select the December 4 ONLY ticket in our webshop.

Pre-seed Pitching companies

Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Pre Seed Session (4 Dec)   HealthTech Investor Summit
Would you like to discuss your participation at the HealthTech Summit and the opportunity to pitch during the conference?